Wednesday, 13 May 2015

How Successful People Can Be More Successful at Dating

It's the old story replicated in Hollywood movies, self-help books and on dating profiles: the attractive, smart, witty, funny, successful business person who has been unlucky in love.
It's a story we are all familiar with and may even be the starring role in the current remake.

How can these successful professionals use their skills to get a promotion in their love life? Here are a few ways:

1) Be Proactive
In the business world, top sales personal and managers don't wait for the right person to walk through the door. They seek out opportunities to mix, mingle, negotiate and sign on the dotted line.

Put yourself out there. Find ways to interact with people in your daily life such as at the coffee shop or waiting in line at the grocery store. Each encounter furthers your social skills and opens you up to the possibility of what could happen.

2) Be Willing to Take the Calculated Risk
There are no guarantees in the office and some decisions come with a certain amount of risk. There is risk of failure, ridicule etc. But it is part of the working landscape and helps us become better employees, and better people, in the process.

Take a risk. Show your vulnerability when connecting with a possible partner. Let them see the softer side. Reveal your dreams, hopes and grand ideas.

3) Polish Your First Impression
Make a fantastic first impression like you would during the interview process. Be positive. Smile.

4) Network. Network. Network.
Okay, so the person across the table from you may not be your dream guy or gal. Such is life. But they may be the middle person to The One. Nurture your connections and they will return the favor.

5) Ask for Resources
You ask for raises, promotions, additional help and more input on the job. Communicate with those around you about what it is you are looking for in a potential mate or, to the point, that you are even looking. We all need a little help from our friends.
