For many, dating is the one area where people flounder when it comes to reaching beyond their comfort zone. A lot of people are unhappy with their dating life. In a world that is obsessed with having the world at our fingertips, the dating scene has morphed to keep up with the ever-changing technological shifts and it is no where near maximizing efficiency.
Rather than waiting to see if Mr./Miss Right would give them a ring, people are taking matters into their own smart phones. They are able to research a potential date via Google, view social media or dating profiles and weed out those who don’t meet their basic criteria.
If it sounds more like HR sifting through job applications, that's because it is. The dating landscape has mutated. People are no longer waiting for fate or serendipity to step up to the plate but are being proactive about their dating life. Singles are taking a CEO to their dating life business — investing time and money to bump up the efficiency number without taking them out of a comfort zone.
Here are just a few other areas where your inner CEO should take over and decide the direction of your love life:
1) Interview More Than One Candidate
If you were interviewing candidates for a position within your company, you wouldn't pick the first person who walked through the door with a resume, would you? The more potential partners you meet, the greater your chances of finding the ideal one.
2) It's All About the Branding
You are the product. How would you position or present yourself to your target demo (single)? What about your look, style, posture or even attitude? What you put out there is what you get back. Negative thoughts produce negative results. Know what you have to offer and that you are a hot ticket. Talk about your positive aspects and keep a positive outlook. You are the product. Sell yourself well.
3) Network to Further Your Goals
Networking is something we all have to do at one time or another. Whether it is a cocktail party or a chamber meeting, you know that the connections may start there but carry forward. Dating, like business, has a way of starting in the most unusual places. If you are looking to extend your dating network, every encounter becomes the starting point for something amazing.
4) Build Trust, Solidify Relationships
In order to win and maintain clients, businesses must build up trust. It comes in stages and there are steps to building it. What's your motivation behind the relationship? Where do you want to go? Same with dating, building trust creates a strong foundation for future developments.
5) Address Problems Promptly
Little issues have the tendency to become really big ones. Businesses do well by resolving issues quickly. As in dating, confronting problems head on saves headache in the long run.
6) Pick a Complimentary Partner
Magic happens when you and someone with complimentary strengths join forces. The two of you are able to accomplish more then the two of you could do separately.
In the end, you are looking for the perfect match. While the other party may not be perfect, they are the perfect match for you.