“I encourage you to live with a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing.” -- from Dr. Wayne Dyer in his book, Pulling Your Own Strings.
We all have "the one who got away" in our dating histories. The gal or guy who was perfect for us but we were too scared, hesitant to tell them. Those moments where we wish we had been braver, spoke up and believed in ourselves more.
Oh, we resolve to confess our hearts to the next one only to blanket ourselves in caution once again. Our chance at love is lost due to our fears of rejection.
According to Margie Warrell, author of Brave, "we
are innately risk averse and afraid of putting our vulnerability on the
line. The status quo, while not particularly fulfilling, can seem like
an easier, softer, less scary, option."
Although we can't 100% control when or how we'll find love, one thing's
for sure, we won't ever meet The One if we refuse to get out of our
comfort zone and take a few risks. This means talking to the cute barista. This means saying "yes" to coffee with a friend of a friend's cousin who is in town. This means approaching "yet another" first date with excitement.
Break free of the status quo. Do something different. Do something brave. Be vulnerable. Take a risk.
"The One" will thank you for it.