Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Holiday Wishes from It's Just Lunch Toronto Matchmakers

Happy holidays!

I can't help but smile while I look back upon the past year as a matchmaker at It's Just Lunch Vancouver. I'm fortunate to have a career where I can help singles find their heart match. I enjoy helping people find happiness to last their lifetime.

For that, I want to say THANK YOU. I appreciate your my readers, clients and friends. I have learned so much from your support and comments -- which in turn helps other clients. It is a lovely friendship circle that I am grateful for having.

This time of year is always filled with endless to do lists, shopping, holiday parties and traveling. In the midst of the holiday hustle and bustle, I want to take a moment to remind you to enjoy the true magic of the season: time with loved ones.

It is the precious moments that we share with us that the true magic of the season is revealed. Stories are shared. Feelings explored. Our lives become intertwined and friendship strengthened.

This time is also a great time for you to reflect on what it is you may want to see come to fruition in 2016. What are your relationship goals? Take the time to ponder and be as specific as you can. This is just step one towards making 2016 your best dating year yet.

I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year.

-- Jacquie Brownridge, It's Just Lunch Vancouver matchmaker and CEO

Let the matchmakers at It's Just Lunch help you find your match! Get started today by calling us at 1-416-703-3900 or click here to tell us a little something about yourself