Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Show It's Just Lunch Your Movember 'Stache to Save Cash on a Membership

It's Just Lunch Matchmaking Toronto Movember Stache
'Tis that time of year when men across the world start growing their moustaches to spark conversation and raise vital funds for men's health programs. These programs save and improve the lives of men affected by prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health issues.
According to the Movember Canada website, to date, 4 million moustaches have been grown worldwide.

And in honour of Movember, we would love to see your 'stache! Any man with a moustache who joins It's Just Lunch Toronto during the month of November gets $200 off a one-year membership. PLUS, IJL will match $200 with a donation to the Movember Foundation.

For more details, contact us at 1-416-703-3900 or via our website at
