Featured Singles

It's Just Lunch Toronto is looking for the perfect match for some of our top successful singles -- you!

Our Personalized Approach to Dating

It's Just Lunch Toronto meets with each client one-on-one before arranging a casual lunch date or a drink after work. Dating can be simple.

Up Your Dating Game: Join the Elite!

Whether you are new to the dating scene or recently out of a relationship, IJL Elite dating experts are here to help busy professionals such as yourself find their match.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Show It's Just Lunch Your Movember 'Stache to Save Cash on a Membership

It's Just Lunch Matchmaking Toronto Movember Stache
'Tis that time of year when men across the world start growing their moustaches to spark conversation and raise vital funds for men's health programs. These programs save and improve the lives of men affected by prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health issues.
According to the Movember Canada website, to date, 4 million moustaches have been grown worldwide.

And in honour of Movember, we would love to see your 'stache! Any man with a moustache who joins It's Just Lunch Toronto during the month of November gets $200 off a one-year membership. PLUS, IJL will match $200 with a donation to the Movember Foundation.

For more details, contact us at 1-416-703-3900 or via our website at www.itsjustlunchtoronto.com


Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Add a Spark to Your Dating Life with Creativity

When you are in the throes of dating, it is easy to feel like you are in a rut. Each new face is met in the same way - over dinner, lunch, coffee or after work cocktails.

Does this sound like your last date? The one before? How about before that?

Opting for the same, repetitive type of date for each new person can become routine and boring for you. The meal date covers something you both need to do -- eat but rarely touches upon what you find interesting or want to do with another person.

The feeling of boredom or been there done that can actually translate into how you see the other person. They just get added to the blur of dating without being given a chance to stand out.

If you want an exciting dating life, YOU have to make it exciting. When planning a meeting, consider all your options and not just the ones that need a reservation. Consider a walk along the seawall, visit a downtown market or try ice skating.

The more you look forward to the dating event, the more you are looking forward to the person you are going to meet.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Work from Home? Get Out of the House!

The boundaries between work and home have shifted drastically in recent years. Many of us have found that our career goals can be accomplished from our home office (or breakfast table). What used to be a considered the grind is a luxury that can be done in our bedroom slippers.

The benefits of working from home outweigh the hassles of commuting but ranks very low in the finding love department.

Why? Unless you fall in love with the mail carrier, you will need to step out of the slippers and from the home office to interact with dating prospects.

I know. You're busy. You have conference calls. The slippers are super-comfy. I get it. But here are a few ways you can incorporate a few face-to-face connections with potential matches while furthering your career goals:

1) Schedule a Regular Coffee Break
Has someone ever mentioned that they have seen you around? Or pointed out that the two of you have the same schedule? That comes from habit where your latte schedules have synced up (serendipitous, anyone?).  Establish a routine by frequenting the same places at the same time.  This will allow fellow bachelors and bachelorettes to check you out and know where they'll be able to run into you again.  

2) Network on a New Level
You're job may not even be in the same city or country. While this may make you feel like the odd one out, there are hundreds in the same boat. Connect with other web designs or bloggers at local cafes via Meetup.com or other connection sites. Attend conferences or listen to expert give a talk in your area that helps you foster business contact and gets you in the mix to meet other singles in the city.

3) Schedule Meeting Outside the Home
With WebEX and Facetime, it is easy to plug into meetings that are within our reach to attend in person. Even if you are meeting with a vendor, client or just want to discuss an upcoming project, try to meet outside the home. Every time you go out, you further your chances of meeting the one by 10 fold.

Working from home can shrink our space and create hurdles for meeting new people. The key here is to be aware that it takes a bit more effort to meet new people -- but it is possible.