Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Open Yourself Up to Intention: How to Find Love When You're Not Looking

Let me tell you a story about a friend of mine who grew tired of the dating scene. Her and three friends were traveling in a pack, visiting bars or attending events that held false promises of her finding her match. It got to the point that she felt like dating was draining her energy and the bonding out of her friendships.

It was at this frustrating point that my friend decided she needed to invest in something other than happy hour Mai Tais at the local singles scene. She wanted to go hiking in California and scuba diving in Belize. She wanted time to read her favorite books or try recipes her mother was fond of sending her every week. She wanted to find someone who was more in line with her lifestyle than syncing up happy hour with their schedule.

So, she laced up her hiking boots. She plugged in her blender. But most of all, she invested in herself. As fate would have it, my friend met her future husband during that diving trip to Belize.

It has a lot to do with your INTENTION. The moment you become open and accessible to meeting new people, miraculously, potential dates begin to materialize all over the place -- often when you least expect it. Even in Belize.

Every time you get out of the house and meet someone new, it sets off a domino effect that generates new opportunities. Open yourself up to intention.