Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Are You Happy With Your Dating Life?

Dating for professional singles can be fun and fulfilling, if you are ready to face the challenges that come along with it. It may not always be like walking at the beach during sunset, but remember you can always make your own beautiful story with a unique ending.

Dating is allowing yourself to love and be loved in return; it is not always a romantic fantasy. Here are a few tips for professional singles to help improve your dating life for the better:

Keep Your Expectations Realistic
It’s okay to set higher standards for yourself, but keep in mind that no one is perfect. Emphasize your partner's good qualities by being supportive and encouraging. Be forgiving of the imperfections and be willing to make compromises. If you catch yourself stacking up hurdles in front of your potential love matches, chances are none of them will make it the finish line.

Patience Really Is a Virtue
One of the biggest reasons relationships fail is that people are just too busy to make time for each other. Set your priorities straight and find ways on how you can spend more time with your partner. Catching up on a quick lunch date or investing on a romantic weekend getaway will do wonders for your relationship. 

Be Present
Being present to whatever your beloved is going through will keep your relationship afloat all throughout the years. It will turn moments of sadness into comfort, as you will be able to share the burden of problems. Even if you are far away from each other, a text or video chat will make all the difference.

Don’t Break Promises
If you can’t fulfill a promise, don’t make one at all. Broken promises are a huge let down, so be very careful if you are making one. If you can fulfill little promises, you’ll have the strength to fulfill bigger ones. If you cannot keep a promise, it is better to not make one at all. Just be realistic and open with your partner.

Go On An Adventure
Make it a point to do something different with your partner every now and then. Go to a place you haven’t eaten before, or go on a road trip to that secluded resort you've heard of. Doing something different with your partner will refresh your senses. It will also keep the fire burning in your relationship.

Leave a Relationship When You Aren't Feeling Happy
Knowing when to let go can be one of the most difficult decisions we make involving relationships. But, if you find that the relationship is not satisfying your needs, don't wait around for things to change. If you have discussed your needs with your partner and they are not being met, consider ending the relationship. Many people stay in unhealthy relationships because they fear being alone. But, you might found yourself happier single than in a relationship that is draining you. Mr. or Mrs. Right could be right around the corner but you'll never know if you keep on dating Mr. or Mrs. Wrong.  

Do you think it's better to happy and alone or miserable with company? We vote for happy and alone until the right person finally comes along.