So, the date is coming to a close and that confident, funny, super-sexy self that cruised through lunch just flew out the window. At this point you are in one of three places:
- Excited and can't wait to see him/her again;
- You're convinced that this isn't the one for you;
- Or perhaps you're unsure.
If you're digging him/her, let them know and ask for the second date. If not, this might be a great time to thank your date for a wonderful lunch and leave it at that. Tell them whether you're interested in seeing them again or not. Most people appreciate it when you speak your mind, but make sure you don't just dump your feelings on them. Be responsible and kind.
But if you are on the fence after the first date, consider pursuing a second one. Some people, even though they try their best, just can't relax until the second date. Or maybe last time they were having a bad day and you didn't get to see the absolutely charming individual they really are. A lot of people suffer from first-date jitters. In fact, fear is the number one cause for first-date disasters and often leads to over-talking or out-of-character shyness.
Change things up for attempt number two with a round of golf, a bike ride or a game of tennis. A number of people find it easier to open up and connect with someone when they are moving around.
Trust your instincts and you'll be surprised at how perceptive you really are when it comes to love.
An instinctive gut feeling can draw you to Mr. or Ms. Right, even if they don't match all your criteria on paper. You probably have friends who are with partners who you would never have thought they'd be with. What brings people like that together? They trusted their gut.
Basically, we all want the same things in a partner: honesty, trust, good communication, confidence, fun and understanding. If we can add chemistry to that -- then bingo!