It's Just Lunch helps busy professionals make the most of their mid-day breaks, according to "The Rules of Engagement" article in the February 2012 Canada edition of Reader's Digest. "The pros take care of the compatibility question, scheduling and restaurant reservations; you just show up with an appetite and an open mind," the article said about the face-to-face value of It's Just Lunch's Canada offices.
Right now is the best time to try something new. According to a recent survey conducted by It's Just Lunch, many singles see Februrary 14th as a day to try something new or even expand beyond one's dating boundaries. Over 83% of respondents said they would accept a first date request if it falls on Valentine's Day,and over 70% said they would be open to being set up on a blind date.
When it comes to first dates, It's Just Lunch is the one to count on to get the ball rolling. Over the past 20 years, we have helped thousands of busy professionals in over 100 locations worldwide find a fresh approach to dating.
So, what do our clients have in common? They have made a decision to change their approach to dating and made a simple phone call. Why not be one of them? Call It's Just Lunch today at 604-633-9980 (Vancouver and Victoria) or 416-703-3900 (Toronto) and start dating tomorrow.